Cinema advertising campaigns

Cinema advertising is a form of promotion that involves running ads before film screenings. As an advertising medium, cinema is unique in that before the film screening it refocuses audience’s attention onto the screen making the ad potentially more effective than ads run on other ATL media.

Cinema campaigns often complement TV campaigns, because it is possible to use the same spot.

The unwavering interest in cinema among young audiences (65% of cinema goers are people aged up to 45) makes it the most fitting medium alongside the Internet.

With a variety of films to choose from, we can reach a specific gender, i.e. by selecting a film that appeals to women rather than men or the other way round and skipping, e.g. children’s films. In addition to on-screen advertising, ads can appear off the screen, e.g. in the form of stickers placed on bathroom mirrors, product tastings or gadgets added to tickets. In the case of cinema advertising, we report on the exact number of viewers after the campaign.

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